Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Everyone has a Hustle

One day my husband’s uncle told me that everyone has a hustle.  He then proceeded to ask me about my hustle.  I promptly answered that I go to work 8 hours a day and come home and enjoy my family.  I laugh as I look back on that day because I realize that many people we meet in life do have a motive or an agenda and I often find myself thinking, “What is their hustle?”  Today, I probably would answer that question differently.  It might sound something like this, “Kate is my name and couponing is my game.”

Life doesn’t always turn out the way that we plan it.  One year into our marriage, my husband started getting violent ill each morning.  He fought through it and continued to head into work.  Then he stated having difficulty hearing and doctors said that tubes in his ears would alleviate the problem.  We went to the hospital thinking that we would be out in an hour or so and on our way to have a much-needed lunch date.  The nurses began to scurry around and we soon learned that they couldn’t do the ear procedure because my husband’s kidneys were failing. He needed emergency dialysis.  At the age of 29, this was not how I planned for life to go.  This leads me back to that idea of having a hustle.  I soon realized that if we were just making ends meet on two incomes, that one income over the next year would be nearly impossible. 

One of the only things that my husband could drink during that time was Cranberry juice – the 100% juice variety.  If there is anything I hate, it is telling my husband or kids that we can’t afford something.  I knew that there just had to be a way to get the juice he needed; and so my hustle began.  Maybe I went a little overboard as my husband shook his head in amazement seeing 9 bottles of cranberry juice on the counter.  Through watching sales and using coupons, I spent less than $9.00 for what would have previously cost us $36.00.  If I had figured this out as an amateur, what could I get if I put a little effort into this couponing idea? 

I know what is like to wonder what you will do for Christmas . . . to face a mountain of bills . . . to wonder when things will change. Our story doesn’t end in struggle and loss but one of victory.  There were many hard days but God never left our side.  Our bills were paid and my husband received a double transplant.  I continue to coupon and watch for sales knowing that saving money each week on groceries will allow my family to enjoy other things and to be able to bless those around us. Yes, I will admit it.  I get a rush from getting things for free or discounted.  Not things that we would never use or enjoy but what our family really wants.  There is a thrill in walking out of the store with things that you got for free legally.  Who knows, you may see me with my purse-sized coupon bag in a store near you! 

Do you want to hear more about my husband’s story? Please visit "Still standing"


  1. The song "Do the Hustle" is playing in my head when I read the title. Awesome article.
